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Friday, April 03, 2009

Wot is it? Twitterspectrum

At this address: there is a great toy. It lists two interlocking tag spectra if given two words. This example shows the tag spectrum for the two words 'architecture' and 'window'.

The overlap area is for 'architecture' OR 'window' AND 'tag keyword'... not quite what I expected to be the content out. I had hoped assumed that it was showing overall keyword + tag on the left and right and in the middle both keywords + tag...

Still - a search engine for twitter based upon content not person's name is great.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Munch Museum on waterfront in Oslo - another model?


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Atlanta's Centre for Covil and Human Rights - another building to model?


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2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom | Open Architecture Network

2009 Open Architecture Challenge: Classroom | Open Architecture Network

Now this looks like an interesting project.

Let's hope they get beyond the knee-jerk more daylight is good design reactions we have had of late to the work of Heschong Mahone Group.

There has also been some work done in New Zealand on this topic by Quentin Jackson - essentially testing whether the methodology of HMG could be replicated in a very different environment. Quentin concluded that the methodology was sound, but had insufficient number of students to suggest that his conclusions applied to the broad New Zealand population.

What seems to be clear from both the HMG work and from Quentin's work is that the differences in performance between students when grouped according to the differences in the physical environment were about the same order of magnitude as the differences in performance when grouped by teacher. The quality of the physical is surprisingly as important as the teacher if one looks at measurable performance in standardised tests...!

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Movie about Rem Koolhaas coming to Wellington

Rem Koolhaas designed downtown Seattle's Central Library on Fourth Avenue.

Can't find the times on the Paramount web site, but according to Wotzon, on Fri 10 Apr 11.00am and Sun 12 Apr 1.00pm at the Paramount in Courtenay Place a documentary will screen about the former film director, author of Delirious New York: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan and architect of what to me embodies in one building the best and worst of auteur architecture: the Casa da Musica in Porto:

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Architectural Firms Compete to Design African American History Museum -

The Washington Post writes (28 March 2009): "The future National Museum of African American History and Culture -- as envisioned by competing teams of architects -- will most likely include water features and music halls, evocations of slave ships and the African past, and vistas acknowledging its important, monumental neighbors.

Perhaps not enough information to make a model - yet...?

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