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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Web Pages and the Exercise hand in

The lecture today trawled through the web page tutorial.

We covered the following issues:

  • style sheets separate content from presentation
    • one could therefore have one page with several style sheets for the computer / telephone / TV viewer to control how the content appears best in each medium
    • one can therefore change the look and feel of multiple pages if they all refer to the same style sheet, just by editing the style sheet
  • maintains standards that we try to make our web pages conform with
  • insists on some standards that make our web pages more accessible (e.g. alt keywords or explanations for images)
  • html - HyperText Markup Language uses to mark content e.g. "<"body">" and ""are two tags that appear either side of the content that is to appear in the 'body' or main part of a web page (quotes missing of course - they are there to make these tags appear on the blogger page)
  • in html the information that appears between "<"HEAD">" and "" will not appear on the web page at all but contains 'meta' information about the page
  • meta tags could be keywords - appearing inside a tag that reads "<"Meta keywords = "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3" ">" <
  • meta tags could also label the "<"TITLE">" "" which contains the title of the web page which appears inside the title bar at the top outside edge of the web browser window
  • If we use the site function in Dreamweaver to set ourselves up with a local copy and a web viewable copy of our web page, if we change the linking of our page by say changing a file name then Dreamweaver will update all the files that reference the renamed file in the whole site
  • only content that is inside the root directory of our local copy web site will be uploaded to be viewable on the remote / web copy
  • the language for uploading within the FTP protocol used by Dreamweaver to upload files to the web server is to PUT
  • the language for downloading within the FTP protocol used by Dreamweaver to download files from the web server is to GET
  • one should ensure that one's use of the internet bandwidth is responsible: e.g. files such as images should be downloaded in the size at which they are to be viewed, not resized by the web page when
  • to ensure good bandwidth use in the current digital craft exercise: make the 10 images at a reasonable size: then make much smaller copies - thumbnails - Insert the thumbnails as images in your web page and link to the larger images...
  • the tag for an image is "<"img src="filename.jpg" ">" this inserts a file whose source is filename.jpg - note the source could be a web reference
  • it is considered stealing bandwidth to point to another person's image with a web reference - so that your page loads from your server cheaply, but then loads their image from their server; one should also acknowledge their contribution.
  • It is considered a mis-use of copyright to save their image and to insert it as if it was yours
  • A reasonable manner of using the image might be to save a copy of their image, thumbnail it locally and insert your 'edited' version into your web page with a link and alt text acknowledging source - referencing back to their page/site
Here is one of my recent pictures - from the Circus performance last Saturday at Queen's Wharf - and inserted as an image from Flickr - another way of representing a file and using an online web service (Flickr) to 'serve' the image to the reader.
Circus performer under the stars Wellington March 2007

We also covered the render process for the hand in next week.

Essentially it is a simple process insied Autodesk Viz 2007:

  1. Follow the tutorial to each CAD file into Viz. (This will necessitate having exported an AutoCAD drawing format file from AutoCAD ADT and a 3D Studio format file from ArchiCAD)
  2. Open the material browser in Viz (the button with the coloured balls on it)
  3. Open the LS_Mat_eng material file from the P:\Light Studio directory (ticking 'incompatible') and then place some materials into the material slots in the editor
  4. Save the Viz file as a filename_ls light studio compatible file.
  5. Replace the Light Studio materials with their architectural equivalents in the material editor and save again this time with a filename_mr name suggesting it is Mental Ray compatible
  6. Within each LS and MR file set up a sunlight 'system' - a normal sunlight system in the Mental Ray file and a Light Studio system in the Light Studio file
  7. You will want to place a camera inside the building for the interior views.
  8. Once a camera is placed, you can right click on the viewport name in Viz and select the camera view to be the view seen in that viewport
  9. Renders in each renderer with materials attached to the walls roof floor and glazing and a quicktime panorama is what is sought in this exercise...

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